27 September 2015

The Professional Job (ASSIGNMENT)

There are hundreds of job searchers out there who are desperately looking for the most influential, life changing, money maker career. Most of us set our minds that professional jobs only apply to smart intelligent beings to pursue medicine, law, architecture and engineering. But what do we have to say about the other jobs that are widely demanded when it comes to a certain point where jobs views are decreasing?

I personally think someone who works as a Software Developer should deserve a salute!

How many of us do care or even wonder about those who invented the applications who helped us buzz up in the morning or that trusty buddy, Facebook. The place where everyone get to socialize and make new friends. Yes, that's it. They worked hard with sleepless nights for the sake of technologies evolution just to satisfy the hunger of our society. 

Many of us rely on our personal devices. Can't deny that. With applications and software on our devices, it would be pretty dull and boring to own a mobile without completely anything in it. Imagine having a world without books, colors and adventures, that's how it would feel. Without people who sits and codes binary instructions on the computer 24/7, we wouldn't have the future to save fuel with the use of online banking or even complete tasks and assignments without our trusty Mr.Google.

To be honest, I myself did not really care that much about these professionals until I entered college and learned it myself. My lecturer told me one day, that the learning duration and experience they had to face was tougher than those who studied medicine. It hold me back a little until I researched it myself.

Based on the research I managed to find a piece of information on Software Developer. Here's what they had to say.

"The best software developers are creative and have the technical expertise to carry out innovative ideas. You might expect software developers to sit at their desks designing programs all day – and they do, but their job involves many more responsibilities. They could spend their days working on a client project from scratch and writing new code. But they could also be tasked with maintaining or improving the code for programs that are already up and running. Software developers also check for bugs in software. And although the job does involve extreme concentration and chunks of uninterrupted time, software developers have to collaborate with others, including fellow developers, management or clients. Developers are often natural problem solvers who possess strong analytical skills and the ability to think outside the box." 
Emily H. Bratcher.   http://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/software-developer

Then that's about it. As you look over the course of your day, you come to see that software developer are the masterminds behind the technologies you and I can't live without.

But at the end of the day, all job requires special talents and interest from gifted beings. All of them possessed the same level of pressure, effort, time and energy. It only depends on you, who you really want to be and are you willing to grab the chance you're close to.

31 January 2015

The Media Hurts

It's been a week and I missed blogging! But hey it's a good day to blog!

I took a week to observe some interesting posts and comments in the web.  I noticed some of it are very inspiring and most are really mean especially on the comments section. I couldn't imagine anything more hateful than those couple of sentences. I understand that each of us look at things at our own perspective, we see different, we think different. Words matters.

I don't know if it's just me, a born Asian who are normally conservative and put down but I don't find using harsh words on the web is a norma here. Is it because they're more comfortable to express their anger that way or they got influenced with some sort of culture. Do their parents know they're using these words in the internet? Did their parents taught them to use those words when they're in anger? I'm just confused.

Recently, I read a post of a friend of mine. I'm not sure if that post was to make the society feel bad or make them bleed but she was complaining about something. It was a paragraph long post, with lots and lots of cursing. For a second I thought, "this girl needs to go for confession".

I know it was not intended for me but just by reading it, I felt an instant mood swing. I was in a happy mood, hoping to get inspired and motivated but I got a very harsh post (in the morning) that I know is not for me but for someone she was annoyed at, but its bad for the society. What I mean is, when you use these kind of words in daily, people willl slowly take them lightly. They will think that it's okay to use this kind of words in the web, they think they are short listed in the 'cool' list, they think they'll get thousands of likes, they think the people reading it will somehow feel a slight bump in the heart even if it's not for them, they will tend to use those words outside of media which it's really bad especially when you're working with people or even in school.

I don't see how putting all those negative energy is necessary. There are more pleasant things to say in the internet, that could make someone else's day even yourself better. Say nice words. People say ingnore and don't bother, but if we keep letting them be this way, when else can we hear good stuffs out of people. We need positivity.

Put it this way : You give good things, you get double good things. You give bad things, you get double bad things.

This post is not intended to offense anyone but to remind ourselves to spread goodness instead of hate. Use nice words instead of harsh words. Be kind to people, you never know what they've been through.

Hope something helps.



18 January 2015

10 Things Teenage Girls Should Know

1. You choose to wear an amount of layers of makeup to attract boys.
Girl, you will attract boys for sure but why hide that beautiful face with layers and layers of chemicals? If you want to date a guy who loves you for who you really are and not have his friends make fun of you, cut down that makeup honey. A little blush and mascara won't hurt. You are naturally beautiful inside out!

2. You choose to wear clothes to show more skin, to show off to the boys.
Baby girl, those boys will look at you alright. Those kind of boys that looks at you for entertainment purposes ONLY. Trust me, you don't want those type of guys to flip your life around into a complete hazard. Decent and poise is the way to rule the guys heart.

3. You choose to wear shirts that shows your boobs.
If you want a guy to look at boobs all the time and not glace a single look on your beautiful face, you have a winner there! Keep it up! IF you don't want a boy that ogles breast all the time, then you should stop offering your breast to be ogle on. 

4. "I'm NOT an attention seeker!". 
You're gaining my attention. If you say you're a non-attention seeker, then what's with all the drama and shouting honey? Non-attention seeker don't even feel they're in the middle of attentions. Just be you, if you want all those attention.

5. Count the number of times you've said "I hate drama".
If you're not in a chaotic drama with your boyfriend or BFF, then what's with all the drama there. There is no need to discuss how you hate drama if you didn't start and aren't  involve with one.

6.  The Worst Advice Ever : "FOLLOW YOUR HEART".
Probably the best advice ever when you're crying and emotional and feeling it's the end of the world. Your brain exist in you, there is a reason why it's up there. 

7.  How you "anonymously" gossip about your friends on social media with those obvious clues.
There is a reason why we have eyes and brain girl. People are smarter than you think. If you want to talk about someone on the internet where millions of people are connected to you, go out and have a drink where nobody hears you. Stop posting passive direct statuses about those who disappoint you.  Talk to them instead. You're a grown woman.

8. "We are HERE FOR YOU" is a lie.

9. SMOKING does not make you the 'YOLO' list.
Have you heard or read an article how smoking helps you to look cool or live longer beside gives you pleasure that ruins your lungs into a dark piece of meat. Probably no.

10. DON'T act helpless or stupid or innocent to make a boy sweep you off your feet.
Don't expect a guy to take your bait for flicking those eyelashes. Don't play dumb to grab someone's attention. Don't pretend everything is too heavy or too hard so that all the boys will surround you to offer a kind hand. Expect a guy to be smarter than all your baits. Show them you have a burning passion and a brain to be president or invent a floating television. Your eyelashes will stay being an eyelash even if you're president.

The world has a lot of entertainment industries. Beauty industries, modelling industries, fashion industries and unfortunately pornography industry. All of these industries has their own unique way to connect people through skills and interest. But what makes you, YOU? You want all the attention and glamour then go ahead and choose your future unless you want to change how the world is revolving and bring peace to them. 

You must have the common sense to know that all of these you think could make you beautiful and better than anyone else are just digging up your own grave. Nothing makes you more beautiful and amazing than being who you really are. You are created amazingly with a burning heart to follow your dreams with a purpose, why chose the dark side? You are born to help the world, why go for the wrong way? 

It's not too late to get back on the right track. Complete the mission you were given. Share the gift that has been blessed upon you. You are only you who brings joy to the rest of us. 

You are uniquely YOU.



14 January 2015

Tips And Tricks : Your Face

I've always been asked about the correct way to cleanse your face and to be honest I never have anybody tell or teach me how to. I can say that my skin is normal, sometimes it gets oily around the nose but that only happen when I stay to long under the sun or during my menstrual cycle. It also gets dry but that is a rare condition for my skin to occur, unless I'm on flight or a very cold place.

Thanks to Youtube and Google, I made some research and learned the correct way to keep your face clean and hydrated! 

I will write about the type of face cleanser you should use for different types of skin and your facial night and morning routine. So lets get started! Here are my tips on HOW TO CLEANSE YOUR FACE: THE CORRECT WAY. Specifically for teenagers.

Now, there are three types of skin. The oily skin, dry skin and the normal skin. 

OILY SKIN - You should use a deep cleanser. Never use face wash or gel textured. Find a cleanser with micro beads. It will scrub the oil excess on your skin and also cleanse your pores. Scrub twice or trice a week. 
DRY SKIN - You should use a face wash or gel textured wash. Using a deep cleanser will make your skin drier and white flakes or blemishes will appear. Scrub once a week. 
NORMAL SKIN - Either face wash or a cleanse would do. I prefer using the face wash in the morning and a cleanser at night because you're more likely to have a balance pH skin in the morning due to low light intensity during your night sleep. Due to the heat and sweat in the morning you want to use the cleanser at night to cleanse the clogged pores.

If you're in the mood, place a wet warm towel on your face for 1 minute to really open up the pores. This way the cleansers can get deep into your pores. You should massage your face in light circular motions. The cleansers need time for it to really activate and get into the pores, don't rush. Take your time. Wash your face with warm water and pat a soft dry towel on your face. Don't rub, pat. Rubbing will make it worse! It'll leave blemish and dehydrate your face. 

Now, we know that face wash is for cleansing your skin and pores. So, what are the benefits of the other products? Lemme tell you. EXFOLIATING helps to scrub the dry and dead layers on your face. This way your skin can breathe and stimulate the upper epidermis of your skin for healthy and youthful skin. Don't exfoliate everyday or else it will dry out your skin because your upper epidermis is thinning. TONER helps to balance the pH value of your skin and wipes the excess chemicals from your face. Your skin may feel a little dry, that means your skin is breathing. So, applying MOISTURISER is the way to solve your problem. Moisturizer adds a protective layer on your skin to prevent your skin from dehydrating and UV rays. They have a specific SPF value to prevent your skin from harmful heat or rays. MASKS is optional. You may use is once a week or twice a month for tightening your skin to prevent wrinkles and removing dead skin cells. EYE CREAM is very important for students and working adults to lighten the dark circles and prolong the time for wrinkles to appear around the eye.

I hope this post could help someone out there. Last but not least, after you're done with your cleansing routine, wear a layer of lip balm to moisturize your lips! They're also part of your face!

Thanks for reading cutie pies!



12 January 2015


Yes, the title tells it all. It's the first day of school for the students in Malaysia (or maybe some other country as well, IDK) So why not talk about my journey in high school. But not in any ordinary girl-boy high school. BUT an ALL GIRL HIGH SCHOOL.

I know! Get the whole idea already. I've studied in an all girl convent school pretty much my whole life growing up to an 18 year old teenager who is currently waiting for her Malaysian Cert of Education. And yes, I've studied in a mix normal school but that was way before I could understand politics and other big people stuff. That's a whole other story.

Let's get to the point now. Studying in an all girl school could be a pain in the behind but when you leave high school and you're all on your own, TRUST ME, you're going to miss all of it! Most of it. I know I did. So, here are 5 FUN FACTS: ALL GIRL HIGH SCHOOL :


You gotta have a group! Or else the whole entire school might question. Don't care if you're the 'Sorority Girls' type or the silent group that sits at the corner of the hall during recess or just some normal girls who questions the way of life. I have experience some of these things myself. But I prefer hanging out with the whole school rather than sticking with that one group that everyone is talking about (good or bad. depends) 

This is very common in every school but your uniform tells a lot more of you than the first "hello". If you have the all zipped up tidy not above the knee skirt, you are mostly considered the nicest, sweetest and innocent girl in school. Or maybe just a little too innocent. If you're the 3/4 zipped a bit above the knee skirt kinda neat but a little messy, you're with the normal ones. Sometimes you get warned but you just sweep it off. And if you have an unzipped long or above the knee skirt you my friend are considered a gangsta. Not really. But you get the point. You'd get called by the discipline teacher or asked to stand on the stage for a student free reference show. Humiliating. Yes, but we understand. We never make fun of them. Cause they're cool laiddat. 

We can't blame them for their love interest. I know. There two types. The girl crush or the male teacher crush. 
THE GIRL CRUSH. We see none but girls everyday. Even the female teachers are majority than the male (male teachers < female teachers) GIRL POWER! So yeah, it's normal that the juniors or seniors have a tiny crush within them. It's either the girl with the short pixie haircut and cute face or the tomboy ladies girl. They'd send gifts (Chocolates is the top list) everyday or once a week attach with a tiny note to show that they have interest. And tell me! The whole school knows. But we just shush. It's normal. It only last for a couple of months. They change. Or sometimes not. It's the surroundings. My own friends experience it. It's alright. 
THE MALE TEACHER CRUSH. You can count the number of male teachers we have! Majority are females! But no biggy. Girls rule! What I mean is, the only opposite sex we see is the male teachers. And only one or two out of 10 of them are the good looking ones ( for a guy that is old enough to be your uncle. I'd pass) Anyway, it's not the kind of crushing so hard kind of thing, it's just a little admiring thing. Normally the juniors would have this weird obsession. Until their 2nd or 3rd year, they understand better. And slowly they move on off to the right path.

We may be schooling in an all girl school and you probably think we act all proper like a princess. YES AND NO. We do act all girly and proper but sometimes we could be a bit wild. No, not when we're having our monthly hormonal changes. Screaming shouting in the class, hair pulling fights, sitting on the table, running here and there like a psycho bitch, lifting up our skirts like a boss (we're all the same species right), changing our uniform in the class like nobody is watching and laying on the floor in the hall, did I mention our hall have hidden cameras and every minute there are students and teachers passing by.. Yeah. We like to go a bit out of the ordinary and let free but we know our limits. 

Time for a short history! The school I went to was very old. It is one of the oldest school and the first all girl school in town that was establish before WWII.

1922: A convent was built by Franciscan Missionaries of St. Joseph (FMSJ).
1938: School's ground was enlarged due to the increase of students.
1942 - 1945: Due to the blaze of World War Two, all school's activity was halted. On January 1943, all nuns and priests were sent to Kuching, Sarawak until Japan surrendered in August 1945. The war destroyed the school and all its records.
1946 - 1952: The school was rebuilt and all activities resumed as before.
That is some of the early histories of my school. We have this classic horror story that during the world war II, the soldiers would bring the young girls mostly in their teens to their hidden area (which is now our school compound) to rape and kill them. Some said they dumped the bodies in a big hole and leave the corps to rot. They also said their souls roam still roams around the area. There is one more tragic story about a student that killed herself but that is very sensitive to talk about. I rather keep silent. With all this creepy tales we heard, we pass on to generations to generations. My 50 year old aunt even knows about it. We'll never know the truth but we do know our school could be pretty strange sometimes. But the school has been blessed by a priest and we have a church behind so there's nothing to be afraid off now. Relax. It's just a creepy tale.

There are more things to talk about my school. I'll write about that next time. We may be pretty crazy sometimes, that's just a little side of us that we need to express. We're not always like this. Girls school are fun with a lot of exciting activities. Like I said, we deal with hormonal changes every month and frankly speaking there hundreds of us. It's normal. Outside of school we are like basic girls who have a darn good fashion sense, has an interest in the opposite sex, loves adventures and all the awesome things in life. We get a little stress sometimes with the weird rules and stuff. 

I hope you like my first post. More to come! Stay tune! And thanks cutie pie! 

